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15 minutes
4 Players | 2 vs. 2
Easy Difficulty
Indoor / Outdoor
Place the boards on the ground about 18-27 feet apart, or a distance that is comfortable for all players. To begin, uncover all the holes on each board. Stand NEXT TO your partner at the same board. Note this is different than typical cornhole positioning.
Objective: Be the first team to toss bags into each of the 6 holes before your opponent.
Flip a coin to decide which team will throw first. Alternatively, play eye-to-eye like pong and the first team to make a bag goes first.
Each player on a team tosses one bag at the opposing team’s board. Player 1 must complete their toss before player 2 can throw their bag. If playing with 1 player teams, each player will toss 2 bags. Only 1 team may throw bags at one time.
A hole gets closed when a tossed bag goes entirely through the hole. Players cover the hole immediately with the disc.
The first team to close the hole board and score all 6 holes wins the game!
If both players make their bag in the same round, they get bags back and get to throw another round of bags.
If a player makes a bag and the opposing team fails to cover the hole immediately, the second player throwing can make the same hole and automatically win the game.
If one team closes the other board, the opposing team gets a chance for redemption. If the opposing team can also close the board with no misses, the game goes to overtime. In overtime, the front 3 holes are uncovered. The first team to close these holes wins the game. There is no redemption in overtime.