How to Play Lawn Bowling

How to Play Lawn Bowling

How to Play
Lawn Bowling

Better Than An Alley

Kick your shoes off instead of sharing them with strangers. Lawn bowling is the perfect casual game for outdoor gatherings and parties. It's super simple to learn and play, making it a great game for kids and adults alike. Get out of the musty bowling alley and enjoy some fresh air with lawn bowling.


30 minutes


2+ Players | Head to Head


Easy to Play


Outdoor | Sand or Grass

Perks of Lawn Bowling Over Traditional Bowling Alleys

āœ… You get to wear your own shoes.

āœ… You can't throw a gutter ball if there are no gutters. šŸ¤”

āœ… Bowling alley animations are getting out of hand.

āœ… Way more classy.

āœ… Play in nature instead of musty bowling alleys.

The Setup

Automatic pinsetter *not* included

Setup the pins in the standard 10-pin triangle bowling formation. Mark the foul line about 12-15 feet from the front of the pins, or another comfortable distance.

Rules of Lawn Bowling

1. Bowl the first ball

Standing about 12 feet from the pins, player 1 bowls their first ball towards the pins.

2. Remove the pins

After the first bowl, remove the pins that were knocked over. Set the pins and the first ball to the side.

3. Bowl the second ball

Player 1 then bowls their second ball at the remaining pins. If the player scores a strike on the first ball, they do not bowl their second ball and the player's frame is over.

4. Take Score

Record your round score using the scoring system explained in the next section.


5. Continue playing rotation

Play continues with the next player. Each round that each player bowls is called a frame. Play until 10 frames are completed.

6. The highest score wins the game

After the final round, total up the scores for the entire game. The player with the highest total score wins the game!


Keeping score in bowling might seem confusing at first. After all, doesn't the computer usually take care of that? Once you understand a few easy rules, it becomes really simple.

Open Frame

1 or more pins are still standing after both throws.


An open frame only earns the number of pins knocked over


All pins are knocked down on the second throw of a frame


A spare earns 10 points, plus a bonus of the pins from the first shot of your next frame.


All pins are knocked down on the first throw of a frame.



A spare earns 10 points, plus a bonus of the pins from your next two shots.

10th Frame Exception

  • If you roll a strike in the first shot of the 10th frame, you get 2 more shots.
  • If you roll a spare in the first two shots of the 10th frame, you get 1 more shot.
  • If you leave the 10th frame open after two shots, the game is over and you do not get an additional shot.
  • The score for the 10th frame is the total number of pins knocked down in the 10th frame.

Example Scoring

Frame 1: Open frame, 9 points. Your round score is 9. Your game score is 9.

Frame 2: Open frame, 9 points. Your round score is 9. Your game score is 18.

Frame 3: Spare! You score 10 points plus the points of your next shot. Your next shot is a strike (10 pins). Your round score is 20. Your game score is 38.

Frame 4: Strike! You score 10 points plus your next two shots. Your next two shots are a 6 and a 3, totaling 9 points. Your round score is 19. Your game score is 57.

Frame 5: Open frame, 9 points. Your round score is 9. Your game score is 66.

Frame 6: Open frame, 7 points. Your round score is 7. Your game score is 73.

Frame 7: Open frame, 7 points. Your round score is 7. Your game score is 80.

Frame 8: Another strike! You score 10 points, plus your next 2 shots. Your next two shots are a 0 and a 6, for a total of 6 points. Your round score is 16. Your game score is 96.

Frame 9: Open frame, 6 points. Your round score is 6. Your game score is 102.

Frame 10: You score a spare on your first two shots. You earn one more bowl due to the 10th frame exception. In the 3rd bowl, you score a strike. You score 10 points (spare) + a bonus 10 points (strike). No additional bowls are given after the strike. Your round score is 20. Your game score is 122.

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